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Romero Foundation awarded the best business plans of the country

An initiative made for the youth. Romero Foundation presented the price ‘Para Quitarse el Sombrero ‘(PQS) and awarded the students who submitted the best business ideas across the country. Half a million soles were divided amongst the twelve winners, including the first place by students from the Ricardo Palma University with their project SIAN.

The overall podium was completed with three other projects and, also, eight more ideas were honored in the categories of Social Engagement, Environment, Food, Tourism and Handicrafts , Health and Nutrition , Technology, Local Development and Education .

Dionisio Romero Paoletti, President of the Romero Group, led the award and reaffirmed the value of the national entrepreneurship as an engine of progress. In addition, he recounted the beginnings of the Group, noting that they also began, more than 125 years ago with a small venture.

"We want young people to believe in their dreams, learn to develop business plans and with effort and dedication create businesses, as my grandfather did," said Romero Paoletti .

In the same way, Mara Seminario, general manager of Romero Foundation, welcomed the active participation of all regions of the country and thanked all the students and educational institutions that joined this year’s competition.

The winners of the 2015 edition were:
First place: SIAN – Sistema de inflado automático de neumáticos, de la Universidad Ricardo Palma de Lima.
Second place: IQ Green, Reingeniería agraria de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.
Third place: T ROUTE,Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola de Lima.
Forth Place: EDUCARDS, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC de Lima.

Winners by categories:
Social engament: Diviértete Jugando, Senati, Filial Tumbes.
Environment: ECOL L, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima.
Food: Comida Rápida Saludable “Healty Flavor” del CETPRO Fe y Alegría 61, Santa Rafaela María, Lima.
Tourism and handicrafts: QORI DOLLS de la Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa.
Health and nutrition: DELI QUINUA de la Universidad de Piura, Campus Piura.
Tecnology: FRIXION CASE de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Lambayeque.
Local development: Biblioteca Temática para Niños, de la Universidad Continental, Junín.
Education: CHASKI: Mercado de Capitales, aplicación virtual y juego de mesa, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima.

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